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Lapis Owyhee larimar pendant

Lapis Owyhee larimar pendant

Regular price $54.00 USD
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This exquisite pendant combines the beauty of three precious stones: lapis lazuli, Owyhee opal and larimar. Lapis lazuli, with its deep blue color and golden pyrite inclusions, symbolizes royal power and spiritual depth. Known for its soft blue hues and heavenly appearance, Owyhee Opal brings peace and mental clarity. Larimar, also called the "stone of Atlantis," has soothing blue-green tones that bring harmony and balance. This pendant is not only a stylish accessory, but also a source of positive energy and beauty.

Rozměry: 5.5x2.8cm

Lokalita: Dominikánská republika, Egypt, USA

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Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli je intenzivně modrý minerál složený především z lazuritu, s příměsmi kalcitu a pyritu, které dodávají jeho charakteristickou barvu a zlatavé skvrny. Tento minerál vzniká v metamorfovaných vápencích během hydrotermálních procesů. Hlavní naleziště se nacházejí v Afghánistánu, ale také v Pákistánu, Chile a Rusku. Historicky byl lapis lazuli ceněn jako pigment a drahokam, a v esoterice je spojen s duchovním uvědoměním, pravdou a komunikací.

Opál Owyhee

Opál Owyhee je modrý opál, jehož barva pochází z rozptylu světla na mikroskopických inkluzích vody v amorfní křemičité hmotě. Tento opál má jemně páskovanou strukturu a jeho modrá barva může časem vyblednout, když se voda odpaří. Je křehký a měkký, což vyžaduje opatrné zacházení.


Larimar, also known as pectolite, is a rare blue mineral mined exclusively in the Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. Its soft blue and turquoise blue hues often resemble the colors of the sea and sky, earning it the nicknames "Caribbean Stone", "Atlantis Stone" and "Dolphin Stone". Larimar was created by volcanic activity, when it was formed deep under the earth's surface under high temperatures and pressures. This process involved the circulation of hot hydrothermal solutions that seeped into rock cracks and settled and crystallized there. Larimar is often found together with fossilized coral or petrified wood, which contribute to its unique appearance and composition. Over time, these mineral deposits were lifted by geological processes closer to the earth's surface, where they were exposed by erosion and other natural forces. Larimar is often interlaced with white or dark veins, giving it a unique look. In the spiritual world, larimar is considered a stone of peace, healing and love. Many believe it aids relaxation, promotes meditation and strengthens relationships. Due to its unique appearance and single occurrence, larimar is highly valued in the jewelry industry.

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